MSU WP Grizzlies lose to State Fair CC 70-80

The MSU West Plains Grizzlies Traveled to take on the State Fair Community College on February 15th, 2023. The last time the Grizzlies squared up against the Roadrunners they walked away with a victory with a final score of 72-64. The MSU WP Grizzlies worked hard to repeat that victory.

The first half was State Fair taking an Early lead against the Grizzlies. The Grizzlies where determined to not let that lead stay as they hustled to close the gap. The first half ended with the Roadrunners having a slight lead over the Grizzlies with a score of 33-35.


The second half shown great hustle by the grizzlies but unfortunately could not seem to fully close the gap and get a lead vs the Roadrunners.

The MSU WP Grizzlies fall to the State Fair Community College Roadrunners with a final score of 70-80.

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