I am certainly going to miss my dad and at a time when she is ready, my stepmom will certainly share her thoughts, and the family’s thoughts.



Growing up in St. Louis as Lou Brock, Jr. was a wonderful experience.  Everyone says St. Louis is a baseball town, and my father absolutely was a baseball guy.  What is so amazing to me is how St. Louis’ love for baseball has been honored with the likes of Jack Buck, Bob Gibson, Stan Musial, and all the wonderful guys.   To know my dad’s name honors the city, as well as MLB, is a gift.


By virtue of being his son, I have met so many famous and influential personalities.  And the one common thing I heard is they all had admiration for my dad.  Genuine admiration.   I have to say it is well deserved since my memories of my father are full of him helping and speaking humanely to all people.  He saw no barriers with people.  I recall a hospital executive telling me how they never had to call the Cardinals to see if my dad could come visit children fighting illnesses because he would just show up with no one asking.  And I thought, wow, he never mentioned that he just did it.  I guess he saved the fanfare for the field.


I’ll remember him as the a ball player that did not complain, did not speak bad words. He just went to work and put on a show for the crowd.  I recall the days at Busch Stadium–the way the anticipation began when he came into on-deck circle.   There was that buzz in the crowd, that energy that started to develop.  I don’t need to say what happened from there, we all know.   “He’s safe!”


There are two distinguishing qualities about my father.  First is the way he achieved success with his mental acuity and mental toughness.  Generally, is it said how he could hit, and how fast he could run.  But I first-hand witnessed him mathematically define the base stealing concept.  He did it in a day with no digital video. The only tools were tape measures, stop watches, and borrowed cameras from a television station.  Doesn’t that make him as much a scientist as athlete?


Second, is the myriad of things he did after his career, what he did with the fame he accumulated.  Since I had gone off to college, I didn’t first-hand witness all he did.  But it was a lot and mainly his acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior.  When Mrs. Brock is ready, I am sure she will share details on these things with everyone.


To baseball fans all over the world, thank you for your love of my dad.  And thank you for all the condolences.

To Cardinal nation,  I will tell you one undisputable fact:  He loved you just as much as you loved him. I am proud to have shared my dad with you.

I salute you dad, to a life well-lived!  I thank God for the blessing of Lou Brock as my father.



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