West Plains Zizzers Lose to the Central Bulldogs, 65-47

West Plains Zizzers played The Central Bulldogs on the afternoon of February 14, 2024.

The tip is won by the West Plains, which they take that advantage and grab the first score of the game. There was a great struggle to start of the game between the Bulldogs and the Zizzers. West Plains stays in the lead for a good part of the first quarter until the Bulldogs pull out their game and bring the score up to a tie of 9 to 9. The game stays like that for most of the first quarter leaving the Zizzer winning with the score of 18 to 16.


The 2nd quarter starts off as Central’s basketball. The quarter starts off shaky with there being 3 turnovers in about 5 second of the start. For a while neither team makes any points because they are continuously fighting each other for control of the ball. This stalemate is broken when Zizzers make the first score of the second quarter, a 3 pointer. West Plains brings themselves to the biggest lead of the game so far, an 8 point lead. There is a big struggle between the two teams, which results in both teams barely getting any points in the 2nd quarter. The Bulldogs then close the gap and brings the game within a 1 point gap, then passing the Zizzers. This lead to a fight, where the two teams push against each other, each trying to get the winning score. The first half ends with Central winning 29 to 26.

The 3rd quarter once again starts off as central’s ball and they don’t misuse this advantage. Central keeps the rapidly growing lead over the Zizzers throughout the entire 3rd quarter. These Bulldog’s are really showing the game that they were hiding at the beginning of the night. The Zizzers struggle against this new lead that the Bulldog’s has put in front of them. The quarter ends with the Bulldogs leading 51 to 33, a big difference from the end of the first half, where the Zizzers were only trailing by 3 points.

The lead from the Central Bulldogs gets all the way to 21 points in the last quarter of the game. Not much progression is made by either team at the beginning of the 4th quarter because each team is trying to keep the other from scoring, the Zizzers trying to score and keep the Bulldogs from getting anymore points and the Bulldogs trying to keep their lead. At the end of the quarter each team starts making the baskets that West Plains so desperately needed to end this game. Central and West Plains end the game with the Bulldogs taking the win of 65 to 47. This makes it Central’s 20th win of the season for the first time in 40 years.

The West Plains Zizzers will play again at Bolivar on February 20, 2024. Listen live on 102.5 KDY.

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