Zizzers Tread Water, Win 53-21 Over Lakers

The West Plains Zizzers took on the Camdenton Lakers in Camdenton on Friday night. The first quarter was hard played by the Zizzers and the Lakers, with West Plains putting the first seven unanswered points on the board. During the second quarter, West Plains scored two more touchdowns and, after 12 flags against the Zizzers, the Camdenton Lakers put their first points on the board. The half ended with West Plains ahead, 21 to 7.

During the third quarter, there were less penalties across the board, and the West Plains team pulling up their overall score to 34 to 7. The fourth quarter opened up with two quick scores for the Lakers, followed by a pair of counter scores from the Zizzers, and ending the game with a total of 53 to 21. This leads the Zizzers to their 4/0 win streak intact despite the total of 18 penalties.

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