Tigers score another victory on first Home Game of the Season

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Preview attachment Tigers vs. Catholic Fighting Irish-9-6-24.wav


The Houston Tigers took on the Springfield Catholic Fighting Irish @ Home on Friday September 6th, 2024. Tigers won the game 42-7

1st Quarter: The Irish opt to receive the ball after coin toss. Houston starts their first offensive position at the 39-yard line. Catholic takes a five-yard penalty giving Houston room to gain about five yards. They momentarily pick up a first down with a gain of about 19-yards, taking them down to the 10-yard line. CJ Riley goes in for the Touchdown with a two-point conversion by Dillon Shelton. Tigers go up 7-0 over the Irish with 7:59 in the Quarter. Catholic takes a face mask penalty giving Houston an approx. 46 yard gain. Jordan Arthur goes in for a touchdown. Dillon Shelton once again with the two-point conversion. Tigers now with a 13-0 lead. Catholic Quarterback- Clayton Stuhlsatz, The quarterback for Catholic, sustains a minor injury.

2nd Quarter: CJ Reiley goes in for another touchdown run with a two-point conversion by Jordan Arthur. Tigers take an major offensive play (from Their 29 all the way down the the 29 of Catholic) picking up approx. 42 yard. Over the next Nine 1/2 minutes in the quarter, Tigers do what they can to continue picking up yardage. Jorda Arthur goes in for a 10-yard run with a failed two-point conversion by Dillon Shelton. They go to the Half with a score of 27-0.

3rd Quarter:  Bryson Jordan goes in for a Touchdown run with a penalty. Layne Seago had a close call run to get taken town by a Irish offender. Seago eventually breaks three tackles on the next run and goes in for a Touchdown. Extra point conversion good by CJ Riley.    Tigers now take a 35-0 lead. At about approx 5:45 to go, Jordan takes a 31-touchdown run with a good two point conversion by Dillon Shelton. Tigers take a 42-0 lead. After the Irish take the ball, Brayden Richardson scores another sack and gets the ball back for the Tigers. At about 4 1/2 minutes to go, The Irish finally make it onto the board after a small run by James Corbett (42-7, the score).

4th Quarter: The Irish take an off-side penalty after jumping off giving the Tigers a few yards. Rest of the quarter was basically an effort to play clock and hold onto the lead which they did. Tigers win 42-7. They will go to 2-0 while the Catholic Irish will go to 0-2.

Next action for the Tigers will be next Friday night at Salem vs. The Salem Tigers. You can hear the game on 93.9 Q94 The Mountain of Rock.

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