WPPD releases Geographical Policing email addresses

The West Plains Police Department is excited to announce the new email addresses for the designated Geographical Policing sectors. With the new email addresses, community members will be able to communicate with supervisors in their designated sector via email for any neighborhood law enforcement issues which need to be reported to the Police Department.

Community members can make contact with their Sector Supervisors by email for issues or concerns such as extra patrols, requested traffic enforcement, and quality of life issues to name a few. Community members who do not have email or access to the internet, or if there is a crime in progress or an emergency, they should call the Police Department at 417-256-2244 or call 911.

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For community members who do not know which sector they reside in, a map with the designated sectors can be located on the West Plains Police Department Facebook page or they can contact the Police Department to inquire.

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